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Pea field survey in France
May 2019
Camera: AgroCam Pro NDVI
Processed by AgroCam image processing application

NDVI colormap
format: GeoTIFF

Management zones
format: GeoTIFF
Demo NDVI survey in Nyíri
May 2018
Field sample in Debrecen
August 2017
Camera: AgroCam Pro NDVI
Processed by AgroCam image processing application

NGB orthophoto
format: GeoTIFF

NDVI orthophoto
format: GeoTIFF

NDVI zonemap
format: GeoTIFF

NDVI colormap
format: GeoTIFF

NDVI zonemap
format: ESRI shapefile
Vineyard survey in Tokaj
September 2015
Processed by Pix4Dmapper Professional

Vineyard survey in Tolcsva
October 2015
Processed by Pix4Dmapper Professional

Apple orchard NDVI survey
September 2015
Apple orchard NDVI survey
September 2015
Processed by Pix4Dmapper Professional
Processed by Pix4Dmapper Professional

NDVI survey of a settlement and the surrounding fields
September 2015
Processed by Pix4Dmapper Professional

NDVI survey of corn and
wheat fields
August 2015
Processed by Fiji with Photomonitoring plugin

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