NDVI image processing
by OpenDroneMap
Try our new powerful service and generate maps, point clouds, DEMs and 3D models from aerial images.
Create NDVI orthophotos, NDVI colormaps and zone maps from the images of the AgroCam NDVI cameras (or any other NGB or RGN cameras) and make vegetation analysis for precision agriculture. (See sample analysis here...)
Collect images by your drone upload them to the application and the application does the rest for you.
Keep in mind that the images need to be overlapped by at least 60%.
You can increase the precision by using geotagged images or ground control points (GCPs).
First, request login credentials for the processing application.

Georeferenced, orthorectified maps.

3D models
3D models and point clouds in a variety of formats.

Elevation models
Easily generate georeferenced DSMs/DTMs.

Data export
High resolution GeoTIFF, PNG, LAS, OBJ formats.